Inside the Uni-Bz Site Control Panel, you will find a useful tool that will enable you to set up a unique PHP framework within seconds. The Frameworks Installer tool performs the full operation for you, therefore wipes out the need to get a hold of, integrate and after that configure your framework prior to starting your project. You will find yourself in a position to get started with your framework based venture without delay, with minimal effort.

Many different frameworks readily available

Kick–start your web enterprise with a framework

There are several PHP frameworks online that are competing to give the perfect platform for your personal sites. Our PHP 1 Click Framework Installer has some of the most preferred and commonly used PHP frameworks: CakePHP, Laravel, CodeIgniter, Zend, Symfony, and YII.

Each one of these frameworks may be installed with a click and is also upgraded to the newest stable version at all times.

Various PHP frameworks available

1–click PHP framework setting up

Your PHP framework is just a mouse click away

The installation of a PHP framework can be difficult and sophisticated, given that you have to make sure you find the most current stable version and possess skills to configure it without any help. With our PHP 1 Click Framework Installer, we hope to eliminate this problem. The Installer will let you set up a full PHP framework in just a moment, with no additional setup required.

We’ve tried to shorten the installation procedure as much as possible. Everything you should do is tell the Installer exactly where you would like your PHP framework to be configured and Uni-Bz’s smart system will perform what’s left.

1-click PHP framework installation

1–click backup

The easiest option to back up a framework

When you handle very important business info, you need to maintain a backup of everything, specially if there are a variety of modifications made. With the PHP 1 Click Framework Installer, you could make a backup of your framework with only a mouse click. Uni-Bz’s system will generate the backup file and afterwards upload it in your account. We haven’t established any restriction on the quantity of backups you can make or for the period when you can create them.

Besides the manual backups which you create, additionally we run automatic backups for all your websites frequently. This way, we provide a complete and secure backup solution for all your business project data.

1-click backup