The service uptime for any shared hosting account is of crucial importance. If you are using a web server that has frequent problems and your site is not online for long periods of time, it is more likely that website visitors shall not return. If you have an online store, for example, it will mean lost clients and much less income. Your websites could even get penalized by search engines with lower rankings regardless of how good their content is. In order to avoid such a scenario, it is best to always make sure that the hosting service you get is stable. In this way, the success of your site will depend entirely on its content and your marketing campaigns and will not be affected by hosting-related elements that you've got no control of.

Service Uptime Guarantee in Shared Hosting

We guarantee 99.9% service uptime for every single shared hosting account on our servers. We use an avant-garde cloud Internet hosting platform where each and every part of the web hosting service is managed by a different group of web servers, so if one server fails, the remaining ones in the cluster will take over right away. The cloud platform also cuts down the overall load substantially, so the website hosting service is far more stable compared to a service where everything runs on only one machine and your sites will perform in the very best way. We also have redundant Internet lines and diesel backup generators to make sure that your sites will remain online no matter what. Hardware and software firewalls warrant the correct functioning of the machines in the case of DDoS attacks while in the case of any software trouble, we have admins monitoring the servers 24/7.

Service Uptime Guarantee in Semi-dedicated Hosting

Through our semi-dedicated server solutions, you're going to enjoy a 99.9% service uptime and you can now forget about any issues you may have experienced with other service providers. In comparison with the vast majority of hosting providers, we do not run everything on one hosting server. As an alternative, each and every part of the hosting service, such as the file storage, e-mail messages, databases, CP, statistics, etc., has its own clusters of servers. If one web server fails, the others will take over, so your internet sites will not be affected. We use a cutting edge load-balancing platform which ensures the ideal performance of both our web servers and the sites accommodated on them. Various different Internet providers and diesel powered generators are our backup in case there is an infrastructural problem, while a crew of expert professionals, that is available 24/7, watches the system in case there are software difficulties. Using our semi-dedicated packages, your internet sites are going to be up and running no matter what.

Service Uptime Guarantee in VPS Hosting

The network uptime shall never be a problem when you get a virtual private server from us. The physical server in which your account is going to be set up will be working at least 99.9% of the time including maintenance procedures, so that you can enjoy a fast and really stable website hosting service at all times. To avoid any potential for service disturbances, our data centers use numerous Internet service providers and powerful diesel generators to make sure that nothing will affect the adequate functioning of your Internet sites. We also have a team of experienced administrators that will resolve instantly any software issues that may appear, while hardware difficulties are prevented by using new and carefully tested web server parts and hard disks working in RAID. In case of DDoS attacks, we have software and hardware firewalls to filter the undesired traffic to your web server.

Service Uptime Guarantee in Dedicated Web Hosting

If you acquire a dedicated server plan through us, you will be able to reap the benefits of our service and network uptime warranty. We'll make sure that your hosting server is online no less than 99.9% of the time no matter what. We use new, diligently tested hardware to build each and every server and we make certain that all the pre-installed software is working correctly before the web server is handed over to the consumer. We have also taken measures to avoid any possible infrastructural issues - the continuous power supply is guaranteed by powerful diesel generators, while 24/7 access to the dedicated servers is guaranteed by using several independent Internet providers. Our experts are available at all times, including weekends and holidays, so even if any unanticipated issue appears, they can resolve it right away to prevent any downtime of your web server and the sites or offline applications accommodated on it.