A spam filter is an application that hinders undesirable email messages from reaching a given inbox. A substantial percentage of the email traffic around the globe is composed of spam email messages: offers for pills or money, forged bank notifications, etc. Because of this, it is extremely important to enable email filters to avoid not only unsolicited bulk messages, but also any chance of being swindled somehow. Filters detect various things, so as to provide better safety – specific words and phrases or the frequency with which they appear in the text, the sender’s email address, or the IP address of the sender’s SMTP email server. Hosting providers frequently resort to the services of 3rd-party spam-monitoring organizations that offer up-to-the-minute databases to make email filtering better and simpler without affecting genuine email messages, even if they include suspicious words or phrases.

Spam Filters in Shared Hosting

Our shared hosting servers use one of the best spam filters available on the market. It’s called SpamAssassin and is offered with every shared web hosting plan, so if you host your domains with us, you can pick one of the 5 protection levels that the anti-spam filter offers for any email account that you have here. You can accomplish this with just two mouse clicks from the Email Manager section of the Hepsia hosting Control Panel that’s used to manage all cloud hosting accounts. SpamAssassin examines the header field and the content of each email, gives it a spam score and then proceeds based on the level that you have selected. Every email account can have a different level and you can choose if the email messages that the spam filter considers as spam should be erased or redirected to a separate email account where you can read them later, so as to avoid deleting a genuine email message. Switching to some other level or disabling the anti-spam protection is also astonishingly easy.

Spam Filters in Semi-dedicated Hosting

If you order a semi-dedicated server plan from our company and if you create one or more email accounts with any of the domains hosted under the account, you will be able to enable the advanced, 5-level SpamAssassin email filter that we offer and keep all undesired emails out of your inbox. This functionality is accessible through the Hepsia hosting Control Panel’s Email Manager section and it can be activated or deactivated for any mailbox at any moment. You can also change the safety level with a couple of clicks in case spam email messages continue to enter your mailbox or the email filter starts deleting legitimate email messages. Since you can choose if the spam should be deleted right away or re-sent to another email address, you can set up spam@domain.com, for instance, and view all filtered email messages there, so as to make sure that you won’t miss an email that you require. The emails that the anti-spam filter permits to proceed will still be received in your mailbox.