Because a website is used to share information with the online world or to find more clients in the event that you offer goods and/or services, it is essential to know how it is performing. What you will need for that is a detailed log of the visits to the Internet site - how many new people have opened it, how many have made a comeback, what web pages they've visited and so forth. It'll be very useful if you know how people discovered your site, particularly if you are running an advertising campaign, due to the fact that you shall be able to see whether people have opened your website directly or if they were referred by an online search engine or a portal where you advertise. This sort of information will help you boost the performance of the Internet site and, if necessary, change your marketing practices if various parts of the website need to be getting more site visitors. Having detailed stats provides you with a better comprehension of how your website is doing and a better control over your presence online.

Web & FTP Statistics in Shared Hosting

The Webalizer and AWStats apps, which come with all shared hosting, will provide you with detailed by the hour, daily and per month reports with regards to the number of website visitors on any website hosted in your account. You may access this data with several clicks from your Hepsia Control Panel and see neat graphs and tables. You'll be able to save/download them, if necessary. The reports feature a lot more than just the amount of visits, though - you can monitor the length of time the visitors spent on your Internet site, the first and the last web page they opened, the web pages that got most hits, the visitors’ IPs and location, the referring search engines, the keywords which were used, etc. This information will provide you with a far greater understanding of how your sites are performing and which elements have to be improved, together with info about the effects of any promotional initiatives you may be running.

Web & FTP Statistics in Semi-dedicated Hosting

The Hepsia hosting CP, via which you will control your semi-dedicated server account, will permit you to access two efficient tools for overseeing the traffic to all of your Internet sites - Webalizer and AWStats. Along with the standard info about the hourly, the daily and the month-to-month visits, the IP addresses of the website visitors and the hottest web pages, you will discover quite a lot of other useful info as well. For example, you can see which is the most widely used page which users open initially when they go to your site and which is the most popular page they view before they leave, what keywords they’ve used to find your website in search engine results, what OS and browsers they use, and so on. All this info is available in neat graphs and you can download and use them in marketing and advertising reports. The information may also tell you which parts of the Internet site you can enhance, so as to increase the traffic to it.